Hotelito Mío Playa Caballo, Cabo Corrientes

We are an ecotourism boutique hotel that respects the environment,

we remember that all our comforts during your stay are organic.



Accommodation for your peace of mind

What includes?

A full bath at the upper floor which is smaller than the one at ground floor.
A bathroom with tub at ground floor.
Living room at ground floor, balcony with jacuzzi, dining room and ocean view.
It also include a coffee maker and minibar.
Maximum 4 people.

Occupancy: 4 person(s)

Bed(s):  2 Double Bed

Bath(s): 2  bathrooms

Jacuzzi: in the  balcony

View: Ocean

Great people here are working day and night, dedicated to elevate your experience of staying and holiday to whole new level – you can leave your daily work, routines, problems all behind, and let yourself enjoy the wonders of our ambiances.

"Beach" Villas

Testimonials & Reviews

What a beautiful experience and very pleasant staying was to be in at Aurora Suites - I've been to each and everyone of them, and always so satisfied to return, again and again ...
Joanna McDerry
regular visitor